How long does it take from Copenhagen to Manila?
Normal transit time from DK to PH is up to 8 weeks
How about the delivery once it has arrived and offloaded?
It can take up to 28 days depending on the area of delivery.
Can you be more specific with the delivery date of boxes?
Sorry but we cant. All deliveries are handled and scheduled by our Philippine forwarder and their agents.
Can I contact the office in the Philippines regarding delivery?
Yes, you are welcome to contact the office in Manila. You can see their details and information . Make sure you have your Box ID (Tracking Nr.) ready as they will need it to assist you.
All prices listed on our website are our promotional prices. These prices only apply if boxes are sent within 1 year of ordering and receiving a empty box. Boxes that are sent after 1 year of receiving the empty box will be charged the normal fare which is an additional +200,- DKK extra on the listed promo price.
Box deposits
There is a deposit of 200,-DKK pr box upon delivery of your empty box. The amount will be deducted from the final balance upon pick up again excl. pregnant fee, special pick up, late pick up etc.
Open booking
Choosing our "OPEN BOOKING" option gives you 1 year from the date ordered to send your box with our promo price. After the year 1 year, the deposit will be voided and payment of your box will not have your past deposit deducted from the final balance.
We recommend our customers also to read our terms and conditions.